The Miami edition of The 2019 LowRiderMagazine’s Car Super Show is set to take place on May 5, 2019 at the Miami Dade County Fair and Exposition grounds.
The Miami LowRiderCar Show is a unique event celebrating Custom and Classic vehicles, Bikes and Hotrods. Over 500 cars will be judged and evaluated by LowRiderMagazine’s official editorial staff, in a myriad of categories ranging from best in show to best jumper in our Hydraulics exhibition! Miami winners will have an opportunity to showcase and compete at the National LowRiderFinals Event in Las Vegas, October 2019.
Expect a safe, fun and memorable event for the entire family which features:
• A Kid Zone
• Stage with non-stop entertainment
• Favorite DJ’s from local radio stations
• Food Court featuring award winning Food Trucks and bar
• World Famous Car Hop and Hydraulic Exhibition
The Miami LowRiderCar show promises to deliver an unprecedented experience in a spectacular setting for the whole family to enjoy!
As a Sponsor, your business will have the rare opportunity to benefit from your affiliation with the Miami Lowrider Car Show, which is already being recognized as one of the premier events in South Florida. We are offering an array of VIP benefits and creative options that can be customized to deliver the image and customer experience that your business is known for in the community.
Platinum SPONSOR
Event Name association
- Inclusion in all promotional exposure in all media outlets
- Inclusion in all paid commercial advertisements to include Radio, SEM, Social Media, Email Blast (Media Value = $50,000)
- Recognition on all event press releases, ads, flyers, posters and event banners
- Name Logo on all event T-Shirts
- Stage mentions 4 x per Hour
- Logo onstage banner (premium positioning)
=(5) 4 x 10 Banners throughout venue in premium positions
- Website: Tiles on the rotating Banner, Hyperlinks, Video prerolls
- Inclusion on E blast to databases (minimum 4 deployments to over 40,000 members)
- (25)- VIP Passes
- (25)- General Admission passes
- Customized Display Area both inside (10 x 10) and outside (20 x 20) of show
Event Name association
- Recognition on all event press releases, ads, flyers, posters and event banners
- Name Logo on all event T-Shirts
- Stage Mentions 2 x per Hour
- Logo onstage banner (premium positioning)
- (2) 4 x 10 Banners throughout venue in premium positions
- Website: Tile on the rotating Banner, Hyperlinks, Video prerolls
- Inclusion on Eblastto databases (minimum 4 deployments to over 40,000 members)
- (10)- VIP Passes
- (10)- General admission passes
- Customized 20 x 20 Display area outside of show
Event Name association
- Recognition on all event flyers, posters and event Banners
- Name mentionon all Event T-Shirts
- Stage Mentions 1 x per Hour
- Logo Onstage Banner
- (1) 4 x 10 Banners throughout venue in premium positions
- Website: Tile on the rotating Banner
- Inclusion on Eblastto databases (minimum 2 deployments to over 40,000 members)
- (4)-VIP Passes
- (10)-General Admission passes
-10 x 10 Display Area outside of show
- Recognition on all event flyers and posters
- Text name on Onstage Banner
- Shared mention on (2) 4 x 10 Banners throughout venue in premium positions
- (6)- General Admission passes
- 10 x 10 Display Area outside of show
Event's Growing attendance!

Miami Lowrider Car Show
April 23 –24 2016
Est. attendance - 5,000+

Miami Lowrider Car Show
April 29 – 30 2017
Est. attendance - 7,000+

Miami Lowrider Car Show
April 29, 2018
Est. attendance - 8,000+
For more information contact us at info@miamilowridercarshow.com